Register now to attend this free workshop at Lakewood Public Library.
Join LakewoodAlive and Bryan Evans, designer, for a workshop dedicated to exterior lighting options.
Do you want to give your home a boost of light and color but not sure where to start? Then this free event is the workshop for you.
Bryan will be covering different styles of lights and their installation options along with suggested placement that will maximize beauty and safety.
You wont want to miss this workshop, new to our line-up in 2022!
Knowing Your Home is an educational series focused on best sustainability and home maintenance practices empowering homeowners to tackle necessary repairs and improvements.
Knowing Your Home is generously supported by: City of Lakewood, Cleveland Lumber, First Federal Lakewood and Lakewood Public Library.
Please consider making a donation to LakewoodAlive to support this free workshop series as well as our many programs that help us to carry out our mission of fostering and sustaining vibrant neighborhoods. Visit