Register Now to Attend this Free Workshop at Cleveland Lumber Company
Undertaking a kitchen remodel can be both exciting and stressful. If you’re cooking up a plan to reimagine this ever-important room within your home, then you won’t want to miss our upcoming workshop.
LakewoodAlive will host “Knowing Your Home: Kitchen Remodeling” on Saturday, November 4, from 10 a.m. to 12 noon at Cleveland Lumber Company (9410 Madison Avenue in Cleveland). The 15th workshop of 2017 for this popular home maintenance educational program will delve into remodeling best practices, focusing on the process of refurbishing your kitchen from start to finish.
Led by local experts, this workshop will cover the construction process, what to expect and ways to get the most bang for your buck, since kitchen remodeling tends to be a pricey endeavor. “Knowing Your Home: Kitchen Remodeling” aims to remove the guess work from the process and enable you to work smarter in order to achieve the results you want within your timeline and budget.
To reserve your free spot, click here or call 216-521-0655. Visit for more information.
Now in its fourth year, LakewoodAlive’s “Knowing Your Home” series draws hundreds of attendees annually. Our workshop series is generously supported by: Citizens Bank, City of Lakewood, Cleveland Lumber Company, Fifth Third Bank, First Federal Lakewood, PNC, Remax Beyond 2000, The University of Akron Lakewood and Third Federal Savings & Loan.
In lieu of charging for these events, we are asking participants to consider either making a donation to LakewoodAlive or bringing canned foods or other non-perishable items for donation to the Lakewood Community Services Center. We appreciate your support.