The familiar crack of the bat and roar of the crowd will resonate across Madison Park when LakewoodAlive hosts the inaugural “Battle of Birdtown” Celebrity Softball Game on Saturday, June 3, from 10 a.m. to 12 noon at George Usher Field.

The Battle of Birdtown Celebrity Softball Game will take place at George Usher Field in Madison Park.
This friendly, coed game will feature various Lakewood community leaders, residents and business owners, including many representing the Historic Birdtown Neighborhood. A seven-inning affair, it will pit Team Lark against Team Robin. Spectators are encouraged to attend this free event and cheer on their favorite players.
Birdtown, a proud, working-class neighborhood, is steeped in history and dates to the late 19th century. The name is believed to have been derived from the various streets within the neighborhood named after indigenous bird species.
Sponsored by the City of Lakewood, Geiger’s and Cox Communications, the “Battle of Birdtown” will benefit LakewoodAlive’s Housing Outreach Community Engagement Program. This program develops community outreach and engagement initiatives for homeowners and residents to help cultivate a heightened sense of pride and ownership.
To learn more regarding LakewoodAlive’s Housing Outreach Community Engagement Program, contact our office at 216-521-0655 or visit